
Good Friday everyone! For those of you who partake in lent as many of my friends do, you can once again indulge yourself in whatever it was you gave up plus it’s official… Spring is here, but some of us may be hesitant to believe so with recent snow fall and mother nature not […]

Comfort Institute (CI) partnered with the Greater Cincinnati Energy Alliance (GCEA) in an attempt to bust the long-held myth that leaky ducts in conditioned spaces do not contribute to energy savings and only leaky ducts in unconditioned spaces should be sealed. Long story short, the myth was indeed BUSTED!

For the study, eleven Cincinnati, OH […]

Its march madness baby! So of course I had to use a play on words with the number 2 seed Purdue out of the East bracket.

When we talk about heating our home, I for one typically think of a heat pump or forced air furnace. You know, the ones we have to change out […]

For anyone looking to reminisce, here you go. Back in the early to mid 90’s the world was given Captain Planet. He and his team of Planeteers had one goal, to be the “solution” and not the “pollution”. Many times they could defeat the problem without the need of Captain Planet himself but for […]

If your HVAC system needs to be repaired, every service company in the country is willing to do the job. However, it’s important to remember that due to the sophisticated nature of Heating/Cooling equipment, and its technology, system maintenance and repairs should only be performed by a licensed technician. Hiring an unlicensed, or inexperienced […]

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